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Category - Single Origin

Featured coffee: Guatemala Cafe con Manos de Mujer

Coffee, Featured Coffee, Single Origin

There is an effort in specialty coffee to recognize and support the work of women in coffee-producing countries and we love that values-led importers like Sustainable Harvest make it easy for small roasters like us to support those…

Featured Coffee #4: Kenya AA Kichwa Tembo

Coffee, Featured Coffee, Single Origin

This post is a little late. Typically a post about a featured coffee accompanies its initial release, but this coffee has been available on the site for well over a month. Coffee Club members have all had a…

Featured coffee #3: Costa Rica Las Lajas Perla Negra

Coffee, Featured Coffee, Single Origin

I’m pretty excited about this one. Not that I’m ever not excited about a coffee I offer, but this one represents some very special concepts unique to specialty coffee. First, it’s a microlot, which, like many buzz words, can…

Featured coffee #2: Burundi Mpanga

Coffee, Featured Coffee, Single Origin

For my second featured single origin coffee I chose Burundi Mpanga (the M is silent), from the award-winning Mpanga Washing Station. It’s noticeably sweeter than the previously featured Guatemala Atitlán, with pink grapefruit citrus acidity, notes of date…

January Coffee: Coming soon.

Featured Coffee, Single Origin

The final decision on the next featured coffee should be coming down the pike any day now. I have one or two more cuppings to do before I make a final decision. I can tell you, the next…

A New Year’s resolution suggestion

Coffee, Single Origin

It’s January 1, and since many of us love making resolutions for the clean slate that is a fresh 365 laid out in front of us (actually, 366 this year), I’d like to make a suggestion if you don’t mind. Yeah,…

Featured Coffee #1: Guatemala Atitlán San Pedro La Laguna

Featured Coffee, Single Origin, Travel

Why did I choose Guatemala Atitlán SHB EP San Pedro La Laguna as my first featured single origin coffee? First, let’s decipher the name a bit. “Guatemala”, as you might assume, is the country of origin. “Atitlán” is the…