Ethiopia – Kayon Mountain Farm (O)

Roast-upon-order and shipped within 24 hours of roast. (Organic)
Available in 18 oz., 12 oz. and 8 oz. bags. All our coffee bags are backyard compostable!

Having a natural process Ethiopia feels like a cliché in the specialty coffee world. But some clichés are clichés for a reason, and this coffee is a reason. While some Ethiopia natural process coffees are known for their explosive fruitiness, this particular coffee comes in with more balance, with some citrus brightness, cherry fruit, milk chocolate and a nice, present mouthfeel. If you’re a cream and sugar kind of person, just give this one a chance. You just might be a black coffee person after all.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Shakiso, Guji, Oromia
Farm: Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm
Variety: Heirloom Ethiopian
Altitude: 1900-2200 masl
Processing: Natural


SKU: N/A Category:

Roast-upon-order and shipped within 24 hours of roast. (organic)
Available in 18 oz., 12 oz. and 8 oz. bags. All our coffee bags are backyard compostable!

Ok, I gave in. Having a natural process Ethiopia feels like a cliché in the specialty coffee world. But some clichés are clichés for a reason, and this coffee is a reason. While some Ethiopia natural process coffees are known for their explosive fruitiness, this particular coffee comes in with more balance, with some citrus brightness, cherry fruit, milk chocolate and a nice, present mouthfeel. If you’re a cream and sugar kind of person, just give this one a chance. You just might be a black coffee person after all.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Shakiso, Guji, Oromia
Farm: Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm
Variety: Heirloom Ethiopian
Altitude: 1900-2200 masl
Processing: Natural

A little more about the coffee origin:

The Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm is in the town of Shakiso, in the Guji zone of Oromia. It is owned by multiple families that have been born and raised around coffee. These share-holding members had mainly been supplying coffee to auction for the past 30 years until they started their farm in 2012. This farm boasts more than 1200 acres, of which half is planted in heirloom Typica coffee. The other half is reserved for cabbage, and indigenous shade trees. By 2015, they had implemented washing stations and dry-hullers allowing them to start exporting their own coffees and now see an annual production of more than 600,000 pounds. The coffees see an average fermentation time of 24 to 26 hours, followed by an average drying time of 12 to 20 days.


Weight N/A
Choose size:

18 oz. whole bean, 12 oz. whole bean, 8 oz. whole bean


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