Locals Coffee Club Monthly


Coffee Club membership. Local pickup.
Decaf and pre-ground available upon request.


*V60 and filters for first time members


Coffee club membership. One 12 oz. or 20 oz. bag per month, plus other benefits. Local pickup.

We’ll feature a single origin coffee each month. With a Coffee Club membership you will receive the current month’s featured coffee.

You’ll not only enjoy great coffee, but you’ll get to know the region and the farmers from where it originated. Each month I’ll introduce you to somewhere, and someone, new.

Club members also receive 15% off all other purchases, priority offers on limited edition coffees and artwork and other benefits to be added.

The best part is you’re locked in at one great price regardless of the retail cost of the month’s featured coffee. Individual coffees can range significantly in price. But for club members it’s as steady as … well, something staunchly steady.

*V60 and filters for first time members

Membership Length

3-month, 6-month, 12-month

Bag Size

20 oz. whole bean, 12 oz. whole bean


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